Once a bee was flying over a lake. She saw a crow swoo ping over her. To save herself she flew down and unfortunately, fell into the river. She tried her best to come out but she could not.

A dove flew past the river. He saw the bee striving to save her life. The dove took pity on her and thought to help her. He got an idea. He flew back to the bank were he saw a banyan tree. He plucked a leaf from it and flew back to the bee. He threw the leaf in the river close to the bee. The bee crawbed on to the leaf and saved her life. The bee felt thankful to the dove.

One day the bee was flying over a bee. The dove who had saved her was sitting on the branch of the tree. At that time a hunter with a bow and on arrow aiming at the dove. The dove was unaware of it. The bee flew to the hunter and stung him hard on his hand. The hunter screamed and misser the missed the aim and the dove was saved.

MORAL:- Do unto others as you wish to be done by.